Importance Of Cyanide Antidote Kits

Chemical attacks, building fires and industrial accidents are all situations where cyanide poisoning is a serious threat to a large number of people. In such situations every second counts, and fast treatment can mean the difference between life and death.

It is crucially important to treat cyanide poisoning as soon as possible because the toxin itself acts quickly. Cyanide kills cells in the body by preventing them from using oxygen, which can cause convulsions, loss of consciousness, and death. While people can encounter hazardous levels of cyanide while working in gold mines, laboratories, and other industrial settings, where cyanide levels can accumulate over time to cause long-term health problems, large disasters, such as chemical attacks and building fires, are where a fast-acting antidote is most important.

Unfortunately, the fastest cyanide antidote kit available today requires at least 15 minutes of an IV drip, seriously limiting the number of patients that can be treated during an emergency. The positive news is that in our modern world, researchers worldwide continue to diligently work to develop additional cyanide antidote kits that could give first responders a crucial edge in saving those exposed to cyanide poisoning. For example, an antidote drug called Sulfanegen, has been undergoing development over the last 10 years by researchers from the Center for Drug Design (CDD), and recently received  patent approval.

With help from experts at the Office for Technology Commercialization, researchers are now working with industry partners to develop a device for administering the cyanide antidote kit. The goal is to keep the drug easy to both store and administer, similar to the way an EpiPen is easy to keep on hand and use immediately in case of a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Cyanide Antidote Kits are currently available from ABO Pharmaceuticals, a worldwide distributor of biological and pharmaceutical products to customers including: Hospitals, Physicians, Clinics, Blood Banks, Surgery Centers and many more.  ABO Pharmaceuticals can be easily found online at and telephone at 877-226-2266.

Here’s to all the hardworking individuals in our medical industries worldwide, and their essential work toward development of additional cyanide poisoning treatments that are: Inexpensive to allow availability for all first line EMS units; Safe to be given by a paramedic and not hurt the victim; and easy to give.
