IVIG - An Unknown Marvel Modern Medicine

Intravenous Immune Globin (IVIG) is an awe-inspiring, mysterious plasma product that is used to treat a range of conditions.  For patients who receive multiple IVIG treatments per year, it represents a critical boost of immunity to help their body fight infection or forestall the progress of an autoimmune disorder. For others, one dose of IVIG can be an outright cure. So … What is IVIG? That is truly the million dollar question. Read on to learn more.

IVIG consists of concentrated proteins that are extracted from plasma that is pooled from thousands of donors.  It was first used in 1952 to treat immune deficiency. However, even after 60 years of IVIG drug use, little is known about precisely how it works.

IVIG’s efficacy varies from person to person, even among those with the same disorder, and can vary from treatment to treatment even in the same patient.  IVIG use has also reportedly resulted in rare complications such as blood clots (thrombosis) and hemolysis, a condition in which the introduced antibodies find a marker on the patient’s red blood cells and attack them, causing the cells to rupture.

Still, these unknowns are not enough to take IVIG off the list of approved therapies, especially when it is the only viable one for conditions such as common variable immunodeficiency or Kawasaki disease, and has also been successfully used by numerous medical facilities and providers for treatment of illnesses such as allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, chronic B-cell lymphocytic leukemia, pediatric HIV infection and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.

Intravenous Immune Globin (IVIG) products are currently available from ABO Pharmaceuticals, a worldwide distributor of biological and pharmaceutical products to customers including: Hospitals, Physicians, Clinics, Blood Banks, Surgery Centers and many more.  ABO Pharmaceuticals can be easily found online at https://shopfluvaccines.com and telephone at 877-226-2266.

There are high hopes regarding what the continued and future use of IVIG could mean for medicine. With ongoing and continued medical research it is hoped that IVIG will follow in the incredible paths of other wonder drugs such as aspirin and statins and greatly enhance medicine worldwide.
